
Once the campervan had been nursed back to health…

… we went up Montserrat mountain to see the monastery and go for a hike.

The Barcelona Camino de Santiago route takes you through Montserrat, as you can see from the yellow arrow and the shell symbol.

Our hike today was much shorter, just up to the top of Montserrat itself to see the refugios there.

Nearly at the top. Quite foggy.

Ah yes, here we are at last. Giddy up.

Looking back down at the monastery.

Riu likes a nice climb.

Galician Playground

Campervan issues meant that we had to return to Barcelona for a quick visit. There was, of course, time for a quick trip to one last playground in Galicia.

Riu is getting to grips with the concept of slides.

Feeling the fear but doing it anyway.

Let’s go again.


Columpios with Mama.


Wind Turbines

Dum de dum, Papa is looking at some turbines. Turbines, dum de dum…

OH HAI, I see you there. We are looking at wind turbines.

I’m not sure of our exact location, but somewhere in Galicia.

Ha ha ha. Only geo-king with you.

Fin de Camino in Olveiroa

In the end Riu decided that we should stop at the town of Olveiroa, on account of issues with the campervan.

This was our final routemarker. We will come back and finish the last 30 km to the coast some other time.