Jetcim 2024

10 May 2024 | Comments

I’ve been adding to the jetcim page for the 2023-2024 ski season. It’s all explained on that page, but the basic idea is to take a selfie on each of the 122 Jetcim chairlifts at our local ski station. At the end of this season I’ve managed to be on 32 of them, with a few repeats, but also a few where the photo didn’t come out, so those ones don’t ‘count’ as it were.

Silly project, but why not?

At this rate I should have them all done by the end of 2027! It might get a bit tricky towards the end when there will be a dwindling number of seats uncaptured. I can see myself being a nightmare to everyone else in the queue, pushing my way backwards in the queue to avoid a seat I’ve already been on, and then suddenly rudely barging through to grab the seat I do want. I’ll update you if I get barred from the ski station.

Into the light Leland. Into the light.


The author, Jim Kennedy, floats in space and drifts in time.
All he wants in life is a little bit of love to take the pain away.
Getting strong today; a giant step each day.

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