Piglet Meets Heffalump

So, I introduced Piglet to Heffalump and at first she was all shy and coy.

Then I went to brush my teeth and left them to get to know each other. They had a little chat. She made some piggy noises, he made some scratchy and crackly noises. They talked about the weather (hot). They played some games (educational).


Then I came back and she was all ‘who are you?’ 

I feel like my work here is done. Sigh.

Learning to Smile

Thanks Granizado Oglesby for the lovely flowers! Not only did she send flowers after she left, Granizado Oglesby did a makeover on the terrace while she was here, bringing Birds of Paradise, Andalucian flower pots and passion fruit creepers to our world.

Not only is riu Catala for river, our spiritual home, it also means she smiles.

Hooray for flowers, and hooray for baby smiles!