Columpios in Zaragoza

Before heading to the columpios in Zaragoza, Riu went to the museum in Zaragoza.

After heading to the museum in Zaragoza, Riu went to the columpios in Zaragoza.

Very cold in Zaragoza in November, a little baby needs her mittens.

Caballito in the Cold

On the way back to Barcelona, Riu stopped off in Zaragoza to revisit the caballito they have there.

You might recall her riding this caballito in the heat of the summer – she wrote about it here: Caballito in Zaragoza.

Winter is here.


Wearing my Mama’s Chanels…

Take me home to Barcelona.

Cervantes in Toledo

Riu went to Toledo to visit a city named after her Papa’s first car. It was a triumph – the visit and the car.

Here she meets Cervantes.

She’s a huge fan; she’s head over heels about him.

Holy Toledo, Batman

Apart from friaries, monastaries, synagogues, mosques, cathedra, and other assorted religious venues, there are also a lot of churches in Toledo.

Writing about Toledo, Miguel de Cervantes said that it was “the glory of Spain and the light of her cities.”

Writing about Toledo, James Joyce said that “a good puzzle would be to cross Toledo without passing a church.”

We took secular sanctuary in the art gallery.