
Riu is wearing her teeshirt on her head.

and of course, caballito!

Caballito por todos partes.

Springtime Terrace Party

Lots of Riu’s little friends came to her springtime terrace party.

Ari was there, of course…

Have to keep an eye on him…

Oto was there too..

Also Felix and Jamie. Those guys are funny.

Molly is not happy to be in the hammock with Jamie and Riu. Pobrecita de Molly.

And here’s Sofia, Jamie, and Riu.

There were other small ones there too, but some of them were moving too fast for photos.

Thanks for coming to my springtime terrace party, I’ll see you to the door…

Àrea de Joc Infantil

We went to the Àrea de Joc Infantil.


It was time for Riu to go on the big girl turny tobogan.


Riu was buzzing off of her little tiny small head.




Silly Papa.

More from the Sunday Walk

On their way to fetch the newspaper on their Sunday walk, Riu and Papa pass this blue building.

Riu likes to climb up and down the steps of the buildings they pass.

She holds on to the wall for support on the high steps. Almost there…


Sunday Walk

On Sundays Riu and Papa go for a walk to get the newspaper.


They pass this yellow and orange building on the way. Papa likes orange things. Riu likes oranges.